Luciana Janaqui
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物語によって記憶が貶められないために私が試みてきた沈黙という実験の経過報告, FabCafe Kyoto (MTRL KYOTO), Kyoto [solo show]

An Account of The Luck and Misfortunes of ______, Etablissement d'en face, Brussels (organized by Provence)

I’ll (really) keep my fingers crossed *But it costs a bit, HYM3F, Uno, Okayama
November, 2-12-4 Higashiazabu, Minatoku, Tokyo (curators: Carla Donauer with Martin Germann) *Taking part as a member of N.E. One &c.
Janelas, BPS22, Charleroi (curated by Marc Buchy & Tiago de Abreu Pinto), in the framework of 'Merci Facteur! Mail Art #6'
Janelas, Bibliothèque Jean Laude, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain - Saint-Étienne Métropole, 2022 (curators: Marc Buchy & Tiago de Abreu Pinto)
Landslide to be lived off and/or tongues to be deadpan, MISAKO & ROSEN, Tokyo, 2021 (curator: Lei Yamabe)
Allotment Travel Award 2020, prize winner
003278079060, voice mail system, Belgium, 2020 (curators: neigher & Marc Buchy)
Foreshadows, Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Tokyo, 2019
Open Studios de Raul Hott, Sophie Mallett y Luciana Janaqui, Centro de residencias artisticas Matadero Madrid, Madrid, 2018
/jama/, Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, 2017 (guest curator: Arata Hasegawa)